Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Winooski Placement 3: 10/13/16

Last Thursday, I had gone on my third visit to Winooski High School to see S. We did not meet the Monday of that week because the school district had Columbus Day off. They also had Tuesday the 11th off to recognize Vijaya Dashami, which is the 10th day of the holiday Dashain in the Hindu tradition. Dashain is a total of 15 days, so the holiday was to continue for the rest of the week. S. and his family observe this holiday very dearly, so he was unable to come to class when we were scheduled to meet. I remember on my first visit he had mentioned this holiday very briefly, and he talked to me about how he and his family had spent time decorating the house and preparing the food in preparation for Dashain. From the standpoint of a future teacher, I feel it is critically important to allow students to observe holidays within their religious traditions freely and not be stressed by the burden it may cause on their school work if they happen to be absent. Practicing these traditions within their religion allows them to spend time with family in a faithful setting. This is how students grow into a complete individual, by devoting time to their religion if they are to practice one. S.'s teachers are very open to him observing this holiday even when school is in session, as long as he is in direct communication with them about assignments and other work. Attached is a piece I was reading regarding religious holidays in public schools. Parts of it can be related individual circumstances like in the situation of S., and other parts of the reading is more administrative details. 

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