Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Winooski Placement 2: 10/6/16

It was my second experience going in to Winooski High School to see S., where I was expecting to see him present his learning plan for his project on the Nepali Civil War. It turned out he was absent for a doctor's appointment, and I knew of this because his teachers had received e-mails from him notifying them that he will be absent from class. No teacher is exactly thrilled when a student who is scheduled to present is absent on that day, but the teachers were extremely pleased by the fact that S. notified them. In instances before, S. did not tell his teachers when  he was going to absent from class. Although his teachers did not see him present, they were still able to measure growth in this situation by recognizing that S. is now taking the proper steps to communicate with others, which is something that will have much value in his life later on. The teachers were able plan around his absence and scheduled him for another day.

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